針生承一 & 柳沢陽子
Review from Daniele Sodano, Paris, France
Shoichi Haryu himself defines the architecture he practices as an "aesthetic of the interface". The formula, at first sight, may seem hermetic, but his work clearly reveals the key.
It is a different approach to architectural aesthetics that is not based on economic imperatives, on "efficiency" or on technical rationality, but is based on the organization of the interfaces between the fundamental domains: Nature, man, history.
The design of the structure is built on a complete view of the interfaces involved according to its destination.
Thus the natural landscape, the history and the pre-existing buildings are taken into account: the work fits harmoniously into a natural and human whole. Time fits into the work by choosing the materials and using the know-how of local craftsmen. The circulation of the light, the air and the occupants are treated with the same care.
All the art of the architect is finally to make this construction has its destination, it is that which conditions the form, the realization of the work is therefore what every artist seeks a perfect union of form and background .
Daniele Sodano